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Judo Fanatics Olympic Judo Analysis with Travis Stevens -73kg

Judo Fanatics Olympic Judo Analysis with Travis Stevens -73kg

 In this breakdown of the under 73kg division, Olympic Silver medalist Travis Stevens runs through his picks and how the division played out.  Check it out below and make sure to follow Travis on YouTube!

For more from Travis Stevens check out his amazing instructionals at JudoFanatics.com!



French Judoka Fabio Basile was part of the JudoFanatics Team Roster chasing their Olympic dreams.  Check out his instructional LEARNED QUICKNESS at JudoFanatics.com


 Fabio Basile

Bilal Ciloglu was another great JudoFanatics Team judoka striving for Olympic glory.  Check out his instructional here from JudoFanatics.com.

 Bilal Ciloglu