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Judo Band Workout from Ilias Iliadis

Judo Band Workout from Ilias Iliadis

Ilias Iliadis is one of the most accomplished judokas in history.  At the tender age of 17, he won the Olympic Gold medal.  Six years later he would add more gold to that with a World Championship gold medal in 2010.

Strength and Conditioning is extremely important for athletes at all levels.  Building power, endurance and strength with supplemental training is absolutely essential to help support the daily judo training that athletes like Ilias Iliadis are undertaking.


Band workouts have become very popular for all sorts of athletes.  The use of rubber tubing and thin bands of rubber has been shown to help build conditioning, strength, endurance, and improve muscle memory in a safe productive way.

Using band exercises in judo can help with grip strength, footwork, and drilling body movements.  The ability to repeat the movement over and over with relatively low resistance can allow one to build strong muscle memory.

There are a number of additional positive aspects of using rubber band workouts to supplement your judo besides the muscle memory, conditioning and grip strength improvements.  Bands are very convenient tools that don't take up much space, so you can travel with them and use them almost anywhere.  They also allow you to mimic a wide variety of exercises that require specific equipment.

In addition, the bands are highly adaptable to different strength levels.  They are also very low impact and flexible to adjustment, meaning that you can use them very effectively when injured or working through rehabilitation.  

In the video below, Ilias Iliadis shows how he uses rubber band workouts in his training.  Check out the video below.

In the video above, Ilias Iliadis shows an example of using bands for high intensity interval style training.  For a period of one minute, Ilias Iliadis will perform various techniques for 10 seconds each.  At the 10 second mark, he will change the technique for 5 different 10 second periods.  For the final 10 seconds of the one minute interval, he will rest and catch his breath.

He will then repeat this one minute process a total of 5 times.  This 5 minute period of band work can help simulate the energy of a randori round and be completely safe and done solo anywhere and at any time.

Unless you are a full time athlete, who's primary job is training and competing, finding enough time to squeeze additional training into your day can be a challenge.  The convenience, flexibility and ease of use make bands a great tool for you to add to your regime.  Take them on the road, take them to your job and in as little as 5 minutes, improve your grip, cardio, footwork and body movement.

For more from Ilias Iliadis, check out the World Championship Judo Blueprint from JudoFanatics.com.  You can get yours here or at the Buy Now Link below.