Simple Judo Takedowns For BJJ Digital Only by Matt D'Aquino
With These Techniques You Will Throw More People in BJJ Competition Than Ever Before and Instantly Gain an Edge Over Any Guy in Your Weight Division
- Matt D’Aquino is not only a Judo Olympian, 4th degree judo Black belt, but also a competitive BJJ brown belt
- Simple and easy grip breaks that can break even the strongest of grips Throws and takedowns that almost guarantee a dominate position afterwards
- Easy to implement leg grab takedowns that finish in knee ride
- How to prevent and stop your opponent attacking you with a double leg
- How to sprawl and easy ways to take your opponents back after a failed shot Simple techniques to use when you are fighting right vs right, left vs left OR left vs right stances.
With These Techniques You Will Throw More People in BJJ Competition Than Ever Before and Instantly Gain an Edge Over Any Guy in Your Weight Division
- Matt D’Aquino is not only a Judo Olympian, 4th degree judo Black belt, but also a competitive BJJ brown belt
- Simple and easy grip breaks that can break even the strongest of grips Throws and takedowns that almost guarantee a dominate position afterwards
- Easy to implement leg grab takedowns that finish in knee ride
- How to prevent and stop your opponent attacking you with a double leg
- How to sprawl and easy ways to take your opponents back after a failed shot Simple techniques to use when you are fighting right vs right, left vs left OR left vs right stances.
Matt D'Aquino is a world-renowned Judo coach, 2008 Olympian, 4th degree Judo Black belt and Competitive BJJ Brown Belt.
Product description:
With These Techniques You Will Throw More People in BJJ Competition Than Ever Before and Instantly Gain an Edge Over Any Guy in Your Weight Division
Matt D’Aquino is not only a Judo Olympian, 4th degree judo Black belt, but also a competitive BJJ brown belt
Simple and easy grip breaks that can break even the strongest of grips Throws and takedowns that almost guarantee a dominate position afterwards
Easy to implement leg grab takedowns that finish in knee ride
How to prevent and stop your opponent attacking you with a double leg
How to sprawl and easy ways to take your opponents back after a failed shot Simple techniques to use when you are fighting right vs right, left vs left OR left vs right stances.
How to dominate an opponent that fights in a bent over position
and loads more!
DVD 1 Fighting the low jiujitsu stance
Snap down
Snap down to guard pass 1, 3 & 3
Up and down strategy
Up and down into double leg
Sumi gaeshi
Single leg counter into sumi gaeshi
Inside trip
Drop shoulder throw
Single leg into Uchimata
DVD 2 Fighting left handers
Double leg takedowns
Valley drop
Valley drop with an ankle pick
Outside hook
Running ankle pick
Foot sweep
Foot sweep into ankle pick
Technique recap
Arm drag into Inside trip
Inside trip into outside trip
Sumi gaeshi sacrifice throw
Getting a reaction for sumi gaeshi
Sumi gaeshi options
DVD 3 Fighting right handers
Running leg grab takedown
Running leg grab takedown #2
Running leg grab takedown #3
Outside trip
Outside trip off the grip
Outside trip into inside trip
Inside trip combination
Inside trip into drop shoulder throw
Drop taiotoshi
DVD 4 Takedowns vs a guard puller
Strategies when fighting the guard puller
how to avoid closed guard
Ankle pick
double leg
quick and easy inside trip