Power Judo by Sagi Muki
Double Or Triple Your Strength On The Mat - Right Away: Through Technique
- Sagi Muki - One Of The Best Athletes Alive Shows The Secrets Of Power Judo - Even If You’re Not Very Strong
- Tap into the leverage of real judo and unleash the real power of the throw with Olympian and European Champion, Sagi Muki
- The Israeli judo star shows how anyone can use technique to become an explosive judoka, with his battle tested grip fighting and his most effective throws
- Learn the angles, grips, and set ups that have worked for him at the elite levels that you won’t learn anywhere else
- Sagi Muki shows the skills and tricks that worked against the best of the best, and how you can add them into your game for huge results
- Across this new 4-volume instructional series, you will get a full immersion into the real power behind Sagi Muki’s best trips and throws
Double Or Triple Your Strength On The Mat - Right Away: Through Technique
- Sagi Muki - One Of The Best Athletes Alive Shows The Secrets Of Power Judo - Even If You’re Not Very Strong
- Tap into the leverage of real judo and unleash the real power of the throw with Olympian and European Champion, Sagi Muki
- The Israeli judo star shows how anyone can use technique to become an explosive judoka, with his battle tested grip fighting and his most effective throws
- Learn the angles, grips, and set ups that have worked for him at the elite levels that you won’t learn anywhere else
- Sagi Muki shows the skills and tricks that worked against the best of the best, and how you can add them into your game for huge results
- Across this new 4-volume instructional series, you will get a full immersion into the real power behind Sagi Muki’s best trips and throws
Double Or Triple Your Strength On The Mat - Right Away: Through Technique
Sagi Muki - One Of The Best Athletes Alive Shows The Secrets Of Power Judo - Even If You’re Not Very Strong
Check out the Seio Nage with Sagi Muki:
What Will You Learn?
Tap into the leverage of real judo and unleash the real power of the throw with Olympian and European Champion, Sagi Muki! The Israeli judo star shows how anyone can use technique to become an explosive judoka, with his battle tested grip fighting and his most effective throws.
Sagi Muki shows the skills and tricks that worked against the best of the best, and how you can add them into your game for huge results. Across this new 4-volume instructional series, you will get a full immersion into the real power behind Sagi Muki’s best trips and throws.
Sagi Muki is one of the biggest Israeli judo stars of his generation. He competed at the highest levels of the sport, won gold at some of the toughest tournaments in the world, and represented his country at the Olympic Games (making the semifinals and earning an incredible fifth place finish!).
With finely tuned technique and a detailed strategy, he scored big against some of the best black belts. Now, you can learn that same technique and strategy, with all his little details that give him a huge edge.
Find the real power that good technique brings with Muki’s precision for each technique. Muki shows his best throws, including his sode tsurikomi goshi, seio nage, o goshi, and more!
Also get the grip fighting secrets that will let you create action, stay safe, and look busy to the referees while you compete, from the 2016 Olympian himself. Learn all the counters and defenses that you need to stay safe from some of the most important positions in all of judo.
This series is perfect for any level of judo player, from a beginner who is looking for advice on how to grip and throw for the first times, all the way up to the experienced judokas who want to pick up some important details from an experienced champion and Olympian. Muki has great attacks from the left and right, with a versatile game that works for everyone. Go from the right grips through to the right throws and finish it off with Muki’s best newaza attacks.
Muki’s signature throws are big hip tosses, using his whole body to throw with as much force as possible. With his grips set, he can step in and generate incredible power with his body position, and now he is here to explain how it’s done. Step-by-step, detailed explanation on what he does best and how you can too. Beautiful hip tosses like the seio nage, o goshi, and sode tsurikomi goshi are all yours across 4 volumes!
So Whats On This Series?
Start with the foundation of any judo match, the gripping. Learn the basics of the gripping game and how Muki uses his grips to his advantage, making himself look busy and his opponent look weak as he gets his best grips. Catch the collar and move them into position for big moves with these simple gripping exchanges that Muki has perfected in his career.
Throw big with some of Muki’s favorite techniques. His Sode Tsurikomi Goshi is one of his best moves, a throw that really loads the hips up and delivers a huge impact using fundamental power instead of brute strength. Combine that with a classic seio nage for a one-two combination that will open up your takedowns in a huge way. Add in some of his best osoto and o goshi throws and you can start using them all together for a very dynamic style.
Combine these big throws with some of Muki’s best counters and newaza. Learn how to position yourself to block throws, and how to attack for submissions on the ground. Finish the match with Muki’s battle tested chokes and arm locks as you avoid the big seio nages
Check Out Muki's Newaza Choke:
So What Exactly Do You Get?
Volume 1:
Gripping – How to catch the collar
Gripping – How to avoid a high hand Left vs Right
Gripping – How to remove a high hand Left vs Right
Gripping – How to break a collar grip
Gripping – Using a cross grip to look active
Gripping – How to make your opponent look bad
Sode Tsurikomi Goshi with hip
Sode Tsurikomi Goshi with the leg
Volume 2:
Seio Nage From Sleeve
Seio Nage with the hip
Osoto Gari Left vs Right
Sode Tsurikomi Goshi Opposite Side Opponent
Sagui Nagi Left vs Right
Volume 3:
Ogoshi Left vs Right
Ogoshi Set Up Left vs Right
Osoto Gari Left with Sode Tsurikomi Goshi Right
Newaza – Choke from Turtle
Newaza – Arm lock from Turtle
Volume 4:
Transition – Defend against Drop Seio To Choke
Drop Seio Counter - Uchimata
Drop Seio Counter – Version 2
Sode Tsurikomi Goshi
Seionage Right
Ouchi Gari
So What Does It All Cost?
Well, that depends, what is it worth to learn world class Judo from a European Champion?
We could have easily charged you $147 for this kind of experience but we're not going to do that.. Instead, cut that price by almost 50%
That's right, get Muki's sercrets for just: